Welcome to media.torproject.org. It is available via http:// and https:// (though we recommend https) media was the canonical archive of all Tor images, videos, and related files. It hasn't been used for several years, and we're currently deciding what to do with it. If you do something cool with all of the data here now, email us at tor-assistants@lists.torproject.org with your thoughts, results, or advocacy from the media. Previously media was accessible via rsync, but isn't anymore. If you want to mirror the content or just download it all, run wget --mirror https://media.torproject.org/ This README file has been updated. To view the original, see https://media.torproject.org/README.old.txt "Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc. Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, unless otherwise noted. Enjoy!